Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our first blog!

I was talking to dad on the phone and he said, "I have a challenge for you, see if you can make a blog in 3 months." Three hours later and lo and behold a new Lovell blog is born! So here ya go! I'm still messing around with this whole blogthing. It's a new experience so bear with me! Susie would say a little something but I bought a new Playstation 3 game tonight and she is sitting three feet from the TV with a controller in her hand! I just took a quick Picture with my phone so you could see for yourself. Well anyway, fun stuff! Hope everyone enjoy's my blog!


  1. Welcome to the blog world. It will be fun to see if you update.

  2. That is a good challenge that Dad gave you. Here is a challenge from me...blog more often the Robert. I know it will be challenging but I think possible:) Anyways, send me your new e-mail so I can invite you guys to our blog. Good luck with the blogging.

  3. Hey I want your e-mail to!!!! Ever I blog more then Robert and that is sad.
    Sorry about the pic of Mike He must still be logged in. But isnt he soooo cute!

  4. This is Afa. How you doing buddy? I didn't get an invite to your wedding. How come? My number is 801-654-2596. I need to talk to you my family is still asking where is the magic man?
